Madgett’s Farm produces exceptionally high quality farm reared poultry from a stunning location overlooking the Wye Valley. The farm has a very long history and is mentioned in the Doomsday Book.. More recently, the Williams family has farmed here for over 42 years, milking a dairy herd and raising beef cattle. Daryn’s grandmother had always raised some geese and turkeys for Christmas, giving them to family and friends. The birds were delicious and word spread. Gradually the numbers of birds raised each year grew, to the point that in 2001 Daryn and his wife Elaine decided to make a year round business of poultry.
We believe in excellence and the only way to achieve this is to control all aspects of the production process. We grow the majority of our feed and process all our birds on the farm. Our dry wax plucking system is one of only three in the country and we finish all our birds by hand. We believe that this is the only way to deliver the quality of bird that our customers demand.
We raise free range white Cobb chickens, Aylesbury Peking cross ducks, white turkeys and the exceptional bronze turkey exclusively for the Christmas period and geese. We feed all birds on our own special blend of home grown feed which is GM and additive free.